Sieuwert van Otterloo

Innovation and strategy advisor | Software expert | Startup Enthusiast

Contact me at otterloo at gmail dot com or follow me on twitter as @entreprenl


I am a generalist at heart and have a wide range of interests. They include both 'hard' scientific interests (such as mathematics, artificial intelligence, software engineering, information technology) and softer business and organisation skills (business development, consulting, venture capital, social learning, agile, scrum, lean). I am currently working as advisor on innovation and IT: I like the combination of working on hard software challenges and softer business factors.


In my career I try to combine these two interests and learning as much as I can. One way to combine these two is by looking at the strategy of technology-intensive businesses. In 2005 I became a management consultant, first at McKinsey & Company, later at the Software Improvement Group. Around 2006 I started coaching startup companies, and in 2009 I started my own investment firm to become more connected to several startups. In April 2013 I started a young and passionate research company that helps bring startup energy to the corporate world: we help large companies innovate by teaching them startup methods and by matching large organisation with startups.

More about me

Innovation and IT advice

I have been a management advisor on business technology and software development since 2005. First at McKinsey & Company (Business Technology Office Amsterdam) and since 2009 as part of the Software Improvement Group. As of January 2010 until June 2012 I have been head of consultancy, leading the global team of SIG consultants and helped grow this team from 12 consultants to an inspired and experienced group of 25 consultants in three countries. I have been advising on IT-strategy (and business strategy), innovation, software development, software quality, software maintenance, IT risk, software due diligence and valuation, coding standards and code reviews, lean, agile and scrum development methodologies and software quality.

Since April 2013 I mostly give advice via Inbys (innovation by startups).


StartupJuncture is a blog for and about Dutch startups. I took the initiative for a startup blog to help startups that I know of get more publicity and expand their network, and to help people get in touch with interesting startups. I met a few likeminded people and we joined forces as Startup Juncture

Corporate Shift is a blog about innovation and entrepreneurship inside large organisation.


Otterloo Ventures is a small Dutch investment fund dedicated to investment and advice in innovative companies. Until June 2012 I made four investments through Otterloo Ventures. More details about these can be found at the Otterloo Ventures website.


I have done a Ph.D. on multi agent systems at The University of Liverpool, working with professors Wiebe van der Hoek and Michael Wooldridge from Liverpool and Johan van Benthem from the University of Amsterdam. My academic papers from this period can all be downloaded here.


Starting from 1997, I wrote many computer programs, including popular board games. Although this is not something I do for a living, it is something I enjoyed doing and the programs are available for others to enjoy. See for examples these pages:


I use linked-in for managing professional relations, and you can use linked in to contact me for professional questions such as advice. Linked in profile Sieuwert van Otterloo.

maintained by Sieuwert van Otterloo. Last modified May 2013